Friday, 19/04/2024

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Deposit Interest Rate Of LaoVietBank 

Effective date   26/07/2021

Deposit Type Individual Corporate
   LAK   USD   THB   LAK   USD   THB 
Current Account 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Saving Account 1.25% 0.75% 0.45% 1.25% 0.75% 0.45%

►Term Deposit (Pay Interest At The Maturity Date):

Term Individual Corporate
   LAK   USD   THB   LAK   USD   THB 
1  Month 2.00% 1.25% 0.50% 2.00% 1.25% 0.50%
2 Months 2.50% 1.50% 0.50% 2.45% 1.35% 0.50%
3 Months 3.16% 1.75% 1.40% 3.16% 1.65% 1.40%
4 Months 3.25% 1.75% 1.40% 3.16% 1.65% 1.40%
5 Months 3.50% 2.00% 1.40% 3.16% 1.75% 1.40%
6 Months 4.00% 2.50% 2.00% 3.95% 2.40% 2.00%
7 Months 4.15% 2.50% 2.00% 3.95% 2.50% 2.00%
8 Months 4.50% 2.75% 2.00% 3.95% 2.75% 2.00%
9 Months 4.77% 3.00% 2.25% 4.77% 3.00% 2.25%
10 Months 5.00% 3.25% 2.25% 4.77% 3.00% 2.25%
11 Months 5.25% 3.25% 2.25% 4.77% 3.15% 2.25%
12 Months 5.60% 3.75% 2.50% 5.60% 3.50% 2.50%
13 Months 5.75% 3.80% 2.50% 5.60% 3.50% 2.50%
15 Months 6.00% 4.25% 2.60% 5.87% 4.00% 2.60%
18 Months 6.15% 4.50% 2.75% 6.15% 4.25% 2.75%
21 Months 6.43% 4.75% 2.80% 6.43% 4.50% 2.80%
24 Months 6.75% 5.25% 3.00% 6.71% 5.00% 3.00%
25 Months 6.75% 5.25% 3.10% 6.71% 5.00% 3.10%
30 Months 6.75% 5.25% 3.25% 6.71% 5.50% 3.25%
36 Months 6.80% 6.00% 3.90% 6.77% 6.00% 3.90%
42 Months 6.80% 6.10% 4.00% 6.77% 6.00% 4.00%
48 Months 6.80% 6.15% 4.15% 6.77% 6.15% 4.15%
54 Months 6.80% 6.15% 4.20% 6.77% 6.15% 4.20%
60 Months 6.80% 6.25% 4.40% 6.77% 6.25% 4.40%


►Cumulative Deposit For Individual Customers:

Term Saving For Kids Saving For Retirement
   LAK   USD   THB   LAK   USD   THB 
3 Years 6.70% 6.20% 4.75% 6.50% 6.00% 4.75%
4 - 5 Years 6.80% 6.20% 4.75% 6.75% 6.00% 4.75%
6 Years ►► 6.80% 6.20% 4.75% 6.75% 6.00% 4.75%