Wednesday, 17/04/2024

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Car Loan

Loan for purchases of automobile is a product to meet the needs of automobile ownership of individual customers and households by supporting capital for buyers to purchase used automobile ora new automobile.


- Simple procedures for loans prompt time to resolve records.

- Competitive, reasonable interest rates, interest calculated on descending outstanding loans.

- Flexible loan period.

- Maximum loan of 50% -90% of value of the automobile.


Individual customers and households


- Type of currency for loan: LAK.

- Interest rate: Under the provisions of LaoVietBank in each period.

- Loan period: New automobiles 100% up to 05 years, usedautomobiles up to 03 years.

- Form of repayment: Monthly or quarterly principal payment.

: Monthly interest payment.

- Secured assets: Properties formed from loan capital, real estate and other assets owned by the customer or a third party.


- Legitimate purpose of using loan stock.

-To have financial capacity to ensure repayment within the stipulated time as committed

Profile of loan

- Loan application form (under the form of LaoVietBank).

- Valid ID/passport number of the customer.

- Permanent residence/temporary residence book (copy).

- Documents for income proof, etc

- Documents related to automobile to make a loan.

- Profile of security assets (original records of the automobile, real estate, valuable papers, etc)


If you have questions or need further guidance, please contact directly with staff of Customer relations department, Lao Viet Joint Venture Bank by phone number and email below:

- Tel. 021 216316;

- E-mail: