Thursday, 25/04/2024

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Common Debit Card

Description/Product introduction

      As the payment tools being connected to bank account issued by LaoVietBank to cardholder to withdraw cash and make other transactions within limit prescribed by LaoVietBank in each period.

Customer's benefits

  • Cash withdrawal, funds transfer, account balance query, printing the transaction copy on the ATMs in the channels accepting ATM card of LaoVietBank and the banks connecting payment with LaoVietBank  through Bconnex-Laps, BanknetVN switching systems.
  • Paying salary and other earnings on the account of cardholder.
  • Closing and opening lock of card, changing card, changing PIN code as necessay.
  • Performing cash withdrawal transactions, query, ... in Vietnam at the ATMs of the banks connecting payment with LaoVietBank via BanknetVN, Bconnex-Laps systems.

Product Features:

  • For personal customer
  • Balance for maintaining card: 50.000 KIP
  • Charge for the first issuance: 30.000 KIP
  • Transaction currency: KIP

Registration conditions

  • As Laotian citizens, foreign citizens working or residing in Laos

Registration documents:

  • For customers without CIF at LVB: Using Form 01A - Register customer information. Proposing to open an account (the first time), registering to issue and use debit card
  • For customers with CIF at LVB: Using Form 01B - Register to issue and use debit card
  • A copy of ID card (Passport, household registration book, certificate of serviceman)