Saturday, 20/04/2024

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Red Alert ALERT 2.0 Attack the Android operating system

Red Alert ALERT 2.0 Attack the Android operating system

According to information on security, there is now a new type of malicious code on the Android platform, called Red Alert 2.0 is attacking steal information and take control of the user account against with online banking applications such as Mobile Banking & Internet Banking. Online banking and social networking applications are the target of this malicious code.

  1. Red Alert 2.0 has the ability to be:
  • Stolen account information, logon passwords on mobile devices, especially for accounts, passwords of online banking applications such as Mobile Banking & Internet Banking;
  • Stolen SMS content;
  • Blocked SMS and stealing OTP authentication codes of e-transactions;
  • Stolen contacts and other sensitive personal information on mobile phone;
  • Counterfeited and changed images, contents of installed applications;
  • Blocked incoming calls from the bank so that customers are not warned of hacked accounts.
  1.  The way of infection of malicious code

Red Alert 2.0 will forge popular applications such as WhatsApp, Viber ... on non-mainstream app stores or as fake Flash Player updates or links, email attachments. , SMS. Mobile users who accidentally install fake software Red Alert 2.0 will be infected with malicious code.

  1. How malware works
  • After the mobile device is infected with malicious code Red Alert 2.0, the malicious code will wait for users to open the e-banking application to steal customer's Internet Banking & Mobile Banking account information (user, password) by forging electronic banking interfaces.  The fake interface prompts users for an error during login and asks the user to re-authenticate their account, thereby stealing the user's password.
  • Red Alert 2.0 also has the ability to pass 2-factor authentication technologies through malware-infected mobile devices and steal OTP authentication codes.
  • After obtaining the above account information and controlling the OTP authentication code, cybercriminals are free to conduct illegal transactions from the Customer's Payment Account
  1. Recommended for customers
  • Internet Banking application should only be accessed via LaoVietBank's official website at;
  • Only install and use LaoVietBank's "LaoVietBank Smart Banking" application on the Play Store with the Android operating system and the iOS App Store;
  • Only download applications from the official app store: the Play Store with the Android operating system and the App Store with the iOS operating system; Absolutely do not download and install the mobile application through any repositories other than the Play Store or the App Store; check your app's license prior to installation;
  • Absolutely no answer to questions asked to provide user information, login password, financial information and  card information from informal sources;
  • Customer should install more antivirus applications from reputable vendors.

In the process of using banking services of LaoVietBank, if any problems please call (856) 020 52220222 or (856- 21) 251-418 Ext 800, or contact the nearest branch / transaction office of LaoVietBank for timely assistance.