Wednesday, 17/04/2024

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Tender notice: Enhancing the security system for Lao Viet Bank TENDER NOTICE

  1. Name of the procuring entity: Lao Viet Joint Venture Bank (LaoVietBank)
  • Tel: 021-251418 / Fax: 021-212197.
  1. Name of the package: Enhancing the security system for Lao Viet Bank.
  2. Form of contractor selection: Open bidding
  3. Time to issue the tender: from 14:00 February 01, 2018 to 14:00 February 26, 2018.
  4. Location of the tender documents:  Administration Department, 3-storey building, Lao Viet Joint-venture Bank.
  5. Deadline for receipt of tenders: no later than 14:00, February 26, 2018 at Administration Department, 3-storey building, Lao Viet Joint Venture Bank - 44 Lane Xang - Vientiane Capital.

(Please send your bids to: Administration Department of the Head Office, 03th Floor, LaoVietBank, Tel: 021 251418 ext 140 or Mr Sonesay Tel: 020 99560220).